A radical transformation
in the trading and transfer of risk.
All on one platform.
Analyse. Transact. Clear.
platform users via
secure messaging.
AkinovA works for you.
Wherever you sit in the risk landscape.
AkinovA. The secure, globally regulated, end-to-end electronic marketplace for insurance and reinsurance.
AkinovA Insights
Designed to provide users with access to third party data, news and analytics, as well as Marketplace insights, with the aim of animating the Marketplace by enabling better and faster decision making.
AkinovA Marketplace
The heart of the AkinovA ecosystem, the Marketplace combines secure instant messaging with the infrastructure to market risks, negotiate deals, discover price and execute transactions, providing access to a broad range of investors.
AkinovA Clearing House
Our Clearing House provides complete legal transformation, securitisation, clearing, settlement and reporting services, with the ability to deliver capital liquidity, thus preventing issues of trapped collateral.
Global Reach.
We’re regulated by The Bermuda Monetary Authority.
Join AkinovA now and see for yourself.